Mission Statement
The Los Angeles Society of Pathologists, Inc. is dedicated
to promoting and improving the practice of pathology for the benefit
of patients, the Society’s members, and the local pathology community.
The Society achieves its mission by:
* Fostering continuing education
through Scientific Programs, using case presentations, didactic lectures,
workshops and panel discussions, designed to improve the quality of
pathology practice. 9 of the programs will be offered on a monthly basis,
1.5 hours each month and 1 will be an all day program, 5-6 hours in
length. Most programs will feature local academic specialists with national
and international specialists or a local specialist of note provided
for the September, December and January Programs.
* Supporting
the needs of individual practitioners by primarily discussing scientific
issues with some attention to legislative and governmental issues related
to current practice.
* Identifying informational needs through
the Quality Improvement process, periodic evaluation/suggestion process,
and constant review of current medical literature, as deemed appropriate
by the Board of Directors.
* Making educational programs, which
address current needs and expectations, available to all Active and
Junior members, non member physicians, and other health professionals.
* Providing a forum for the open exchange of new ideas.
Encouraging pathology residents to conduct research and present their
findings to the members.
* Providing a fraternal atmosphere that
promotes mutual support for the Society’s members.
Adopted/Revised: 10/94, 1/97, 4/99, 11/01,
9/03, 9/05
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